0541’s Message

Back to the surface of the ice cold waters, Jiang Fei immediately hopped onto the Gigantic Sword and flew away toward the second point of interest. 

Out of the blue, 0542 was alerted of something and made a loud humming sound. When Jiang Fei noticed its sudden change, a barrier was erected around them. 

"What's going on?" 

"I have detected a powerful energy reading. This energy reading unmistakably belongs to apparatus given off by planet Namek's technology!" 

"Is it coming from the second point?" 

"No! It is currently being used! It is functioning at full power!" 

0542's comments made Jiang Fei a little startled as well as scared. Braveheart's fragment would surely be in passive, hibernation mode after crashing on Earth for thousands of years. That would mean someone had already managed to excavate, repair, and turn on parts of the ship. Who else could do that besides Jiang Fei? 

"Find out what is happening!" Jiang Fei roared.