Unexplainable Intuition

The exodus was a success with all six boats leaving China and into the open sea. 

"Are the military's Level 5 Androids really that weak?" said Jiang Fei to himself, pondering on the strength of the Androids. 

Based on what Ariel had described, those Androids had genuinely reached the power of Level 5 yet, when they were put up against another Level 5 fighter, the Androids were completely outgunned even when they had more fighters. 

"Are they not related to the unknowns that we fought before? Are they a separate entity? Who are they?" Jiang Fei began to ask the real question. According to 0542's analysis, the difference between the unknowns and the military's Level 5 Androids differed greatly. 

"0542, I want to hear your opinion in this," Jiang Fei asked. In terms of numbers and data analysis, 0542 would have a better processing capability than Jiang Fei.