
Soulcutter was ready and waiting. Before Jiang Fei engaged, he studied each and every Primordial Celestial to properly formulate his battle strategy. They were all Lower Celestials but not every one of them was similar—everyone had a different Attack Power and Health Points. 

The one that came in from behind was an Assassin. He had a powerful Attack Power but lacked endurance. He could dish out attacks but unable to take a hit for a living. Even with that, he still had at least 500 million Health Points. One of the "softest" ones out there. 

The one that was facing Jiang Fei head-on was a regular fighter, brawler-defender type. His Attack Power was considered to be the average and had over 1.2 billion Health Points. Both of his Attack and Magic Defense was rather high. Killing him would be harder than the others.