Emergence of Another Competitor

Jiang Fei was getting more excited by the minute. The thought of finally acquiring the Main Engine room was actually making his heart beat faster. It made sense since once Jiang Fei obtained the Main Engine room and secured an almost unending power source, Jiang Fei could make almost all of his problems vanish. He could have 0542 make as many equipment and weapons for himself, revive Nina and Sylphy who were being kept out of the game, and even have a chance to develop a method to break pass the barrier that had been keeping Level 5 out of his reach. 

"Is it here?" Jiang Fei asked when they had reached the location pinpointed by 0542. They had only taken several minutes to travel since Ariel had teleported them close to the capital. 

"Yes, captain." 

"Good. Let's start digging."