Internal Strife

"Eh? Zhu, what do you have in mind?" Bai Wanli asked curiously. To him, Zhu Tianfei was a capable person who normally took the lead in battles. However, when it came to giving suggestions, he tended to be more reserved.

"I don't have an opinion on this. I just wanted to tell you that Ding Menghan is with me," Zhu Tianfei said.

"Oh?" Ganyang Zhenren's eyes lit up. As long as someone from the Ding family was alive, they would have an excuse to rebuild Green Willow Heights.

As for whether or not Ding Menghan, a girl close to Jiang Fei's age, was capable of managing an entire sect, Bai Wanli and Ganyang Zhenren did not appear too bothered by it.