Another Failure?

Time always passed by very quickly when one was not busy. In the blink of an eye, the day had gone by and 0542 had already completed most of the preparations for Jiang Fei.

"Captain, the preparations for your advancement has been completed. You may begin the process at any time," 0542 said to Jiang Fei.

"Alright!" Jiang Fei nodded. Although he had tried his best to appear calm, he still could not hide his excitement.

"Ariel, come on. Protect me!" Jiang Fei nodded at Ariel. In actual fact, she had already been following Jiang Fei around since the day before.

Jiang Fei did not seem to suspect anything. He merely thought that Ariel wanted to be around him.

"Okay!" Ariel nodded obediently. Due to her suspicions toward 0542, she had decided not to let Jiang Fei out of her sight.