Isabella’s Oddity

"Eh…? Why do I get the feeling that I've just got duped?" said Jiang Fei after he had briefly glanced at the item's properties. With so little skills, he felt that the item was only 10% of what the Radiant of the Umbral Daystone was. 

However, just as he was regretting about celebrating prematurely, he took a thorough look through the item skill sets and gasped at its prowess. 

Ethereal Body (Forward Activation): Invulnerable to all Physical Attacks but takes 500% extra Magic Damage. 

Ethereal Body (Inverse Activation): Invulnerable to all Magical Attack but loses all Blocking and Evasion effect. Enemy would have 100% Accuracy when attacking you in this state. 

Ethereal Body was passive skill with no cooldown. Jiang Fei could practically switch the state of Ethereal Body on a whim since its effects were permanent as long as he held the accessory. It was powerful since he could switch the Activation status on the fly when fighting against any enemy.