A Private Meeting

"So what brings you here? I doubt you're here just to admire the architecture." Jiang Fei was straightforward, he knew that Straz would not be here for no good reason.

"You know me well. My boss wants to see you!" Straz replied.

"Meet me? Sure!" Jiang Fei agreed right away. He had been wanting to visit the moon base and checking out the progress of Braveheart's reconstruction.

"Great! So when can we leave?" Straz asked.

"Now is good. Come, Ariel, let's go!" Jiang Fei turned his head to her and said.

"Yes!" Ariel nodded as she prepared the teleportation sequence.

"Ah Fei, the boss wants to speak to you alone."

Straz interrupted them before she could complete the teleportation. It was obvious that he meant for Jiang Fei to go alone.

"Absolutely no!"

Before Jiang Fei could even reply, Ariel instantly voiced out her disapproval. She did not feel that it was safe for Jiang Fei to be going there by himself.