A Message from Within the Game

When they returned home, Jiang Fei ordered 0543 to work with the girls and go through the things they had looted. Although Veigar had removed the most valuable equipments and Akatziris had taken all the energy blocks, there were still a lot of good things left behind as they had all left in a hurry.

After he sent them away, Jiang Fei sat on the sofa and became lost in thought. Today, Akatziris's appearance shocked him. Originally, in Jiang Fei's mind, it was already clear as to who was an enemy and who was not.

The Mutants and the Unknowns that allied were undoubtedly his enemies. They attacked Winter Islands and put the lives of Jiang Fei's family members in danger. This alone was enough to make Jiang Fei despise them.