Sending a Level 5 for an Errand

"Senior Bai, I will help you ask my master about reforging this. However, I cannot guarantee that my master would agree to help you," Jiang Fei said hesitantly even though he was set to help Bai Shien. 

"I'll leave this in your care," said Bai Shien as he bowed ever so slightly. It was a surprise for Jiang Fei since no Level 5 master would ever lower their heads to those weaker than them. The truth was Bai Shien had the pride and arrogance of a martial artist but the temptation of an actual weaponized Godblade was too much. Having one in his hand would greatly increase his overall lethality against his enemies. 

"Please. I'm only the messenger," Jiang Fei bowed lower and said. To be honest, things went better than he had imagined. Not only he could have a Level 5 owing him a favor, but he could also acquire himself a good amount of Valium!