Akatziris’ Terms

Two days after Xiahou Shangyuan and Bai Shien visited him, Jiang Fei finished preparing all three Godblades, including his own. The three blades looked very much alike; all containing Valium coats. However, due to Jiang Fei cutting corners here and there, Xiahou Shangyuan and Bai Shien's were only bamboo swords as compared to Jiang Fei's. 

All three weapons had different Valium compositions and concentrations. Jiang Fei's Zhanlu Sword was reinforced with Valium whereas Xiahou Shangyuan and Bai Shien's weapons merely had coatings. Killing seven or eight Level 5 opponents wouldn't be a problem for the Zhanlu Sword, but Xiahou Shangyuan and Bai Shien's weapons could only kill one. At best, they could kill a second before it would be completely useless against Level 5 opponents.