The Perfect Plan

"Hmph! Fine! Don't act like I'm the one begging here!" Akatziris raged as she sulked. Akatziris was not having it, not after she was the one who had begged Jiang Fei.

"Behave yourself, Akatziris. Ah Fei already listened and agreed to help. Mind you that there are limits to what he is capable of giving." Ariel hissed. 

"Huh? Behave myself, you say? If you have anything against my demeanor, why not do something about it?" Akatziris scoffed.

"Enough!" Jiang Fei barked at Akatziris as he moved to stop Ariel. Ariel might always be cool and composed at all times but that didn't mean she would take a provocation like that without doing anything. Knowing well that Akatziris could provoke even the timid girl to act, Jiang Fei quickly stepped in. As much as he wanted to, there was no way he could allow anything to happen to the alliance between Akatziris and himself.