Not Enough for Guests

"As you wish, Captain," 0543 acknowledged and started to work. The radar system was activated and it started to scour every inch on the surface of the Earth to search for what Jiang Fei was looking for. With so much surface area to scan and data to analyse, it would be quite some time before 0543 would return with an answer. 

Right now, Jiang Fei had to bolster his own forces. Even if he had the report right there and then, he could not simply barge into the enemy's base with the forces he had then. At the very least, it would be two weeks later, after Jiang Fei had revived all the New Saint's Guards. He had to counter in the additional time needed to train them to use the alien weapons. Only then could he be strong enough to fight toe-to-toe with the Unknowns.