All According to Plan

"Hoho, my master. Did you really think you could hide your thoughts from me?" Akatziris snickered as she watched Jiang Fei heading toward the Teleportation Pad. 

She then went toward the console and bent down. Underneath the large console panels, she reached out her metallic hands and summoned the light orb. It floated for a bit before it speedily rested on her palms. 

"Initiate Decompression sequence," Akatziris ordered. A tiny beep was heard from the corner of the room and a small black ball lit up. It was an automaton and it flew toward Akatziris, projecting a tiny beam of light at the light orb. The light orb floated upward and grew in size. The orb expanded quick and became a large one-meter-square crystalized cube. 

Akatziris examined the cube and projected two beams of light from her eyes as she scanned it.