The Fight for Braveheart

"Welcome," said Veiga humbly as he bowed down so low he looked like a 90 degree angle.

"Mhm." All three of the new arrivals did not bother to look, but merely hummed a noise to acknowledge his presence. 

"Great lords, we have traced Jiang Fei and the others. Should we pursue?" Veiga asked with the humblest tone he could do.

"Order your men to standby for orders, that is all. No need for you to handle anything else," said the sniper with a snarky expression. 

"Yes, Lord Neptulon!" said Veiga as he shrunk away like a rat. 

"Don't waste your breath on him. We must be away," said the fat, older lady in the front. 

"Very well, sister," Neptulon nodded and hurried over to join his sister. 

"You, and you, follow me," said a bald man as he ordered Veiga and his fellow men.

"Yes, Lord Ragnaros," Veiga replied and took a few of his men with him.