Pain, Punishment

"Die and give me the Core of Time!" Akatziris mumbled and selectively trapped Neptulon in a light bubble. 

Knowing that his fate was sealed, Neptulon quietly knelt down without any signs of struggling. The light bubble flashed a while, and Neptulon started to decay. The process of decay accelerated with every second he was within the bubble, and he began to experience muscle atrophy, followed closely by dehydration. Everyone knew what Akatziris was doing to him, yet there was nothing they could do. They were too powerless. 

A minute after, Neptulon perished, leaving a dried-up corpse inside the barrier. There lay the end of a man who once could even put Isabella in her place. A man who had the power of time had succumbed to death. 

When Neptulon's bones crumbled into dust, a silvery-white stone materialized in the air and floated up away from the dead body.