All I Can Do For You

"Very well…" sighed Jiang Fei. He was aware of the fact that the virtual assistant was not able to go against the ship captain's orders. This was why he had placed so much trust in them despite having been previously warned time and again by Ariel.

"Don't give up hope just yet! Things may look grim right now, but you are not entirely out of options. By my calculations, there is still a 0.03% chance for you to turn this around!" 0541 suddenly said.

"What do I have to do?" Jiang Fei's eyes immediately lit up when he heard the AI. Even though his limited high-schooler understanding of mathematical probabilities was telling him that any outcome below 0.1% chance was practically impossible and mathematically negligible, he's desperately grasping at every straw he could right now if it meant surviving this ordeal.