Pulling Punches

"Well… they are naturally strong," 0541 answered awkwardly, like a dog looking all guilty and sad. 

"Strong? That's almost superman's level! Just how are their Level 5s like?" Jiang Fei gasped. 

"Well, to put it mildly… it's around there. But their numbers… Earth is but one planet. There are an uncountable number of planets out there hosting numerous powerful individuals," 0541 explained. What 0541 failed to explain was that although they might be in the same category, their combat powers would be heaven and earth when compared to Earthly Level 5 Metahumans. Bella might be strong enough to completely dominate any other Level 5, but there were those of different species even, that could fight her toe to toe. It was the same as the Valsalrians. Even though no one in their species had broken through the realm of Level 6, they were still colossally strong that deeming them as Level 6s wouldn't be wrong.