Of All the Choices, Why Him?!

Alston immediately calmed down once Moglain left. He cracked a genuine smile and addressed Ottogackt properly.

"Clarify something for me, would you? We have been working together for many years now, no?"

"I don't care about that. All I want is the trainee named Jiang Fei."

"I understand that. I don't mind arranging that for you, but could you at least say it in a face-saving way? I am your friend of tens of years now…"

"I've said enough. Give me Jiang Fei and I'll be on my way."

"Yes, yes, yes. He's yours. Sigh… would it kill you to at least acknowledge my position as your chief?" Alston's tone was different this time.

Seeing that Ottogackt was someone who would not follow social norms, trying to convince him with normal logic wouldn't get him far.

"That's all I want to hear." Ottogackt scoffed and left the room. He did not care about the sudden change of tone.