Space Bugs

Context mattered and without it, even the simplest of sayings would be misunderstood. Ottogackt's intention to keep Jiang Fei alive was simply because he did not want to waste such a talented individual. Domingo, on the other hand, understood his intentions differently; thinking that Ottogackt was simply pulling strings to help Jiang Fei. 

"Leave it to me. I'll take good care of your trainee," Domingo said, pounding his chest proudly. Accepting such a hard task from one's superior, or in this case, a benefactor, was troubling. But if he succeeded, fortune and rewards awaited.

"So be it," Ottogackt hummed. He got up from his seat, patted Jiang Fei on his shoulder, and never looked back. 

Jiang Fei was still in the dark. At least he knew what he was there for; to take part in a war mission.