The Solution

"Sal! It's the Tallgeese Advanced Outpost! Do you have a death wish?" said Trakus anxiously.

"Call me Sarila!" The catgirl's voice was firm.

"Okay, okay, okay!"

His pride greatly damaged, Trakus turned away and left without even glancing back.

Jiang Fei finally had the chance to ask, "Sarila, what's that Advanced Outpost thing?"

The catgirl grimaced as she answered.

"It's the army's slave camp. More than seventy percent of the members are war prisoners. The rest are officers who committed crimes or were marginalized. They're always sent on deadly missions. On average, they have a hundred percent turnover rate every three years!"

"Every three years?"

Jiang Fei was taken aback. Obviously, those soldiers who disappeared had not retired, but were dead! Hardly anyone in this slave camp could survive for more than three years. The death rate was terrifying.