Etiquette and Mannerism on Tallgeese

What is an advanced outpost? In military terms, it is an outpost where the strongest and bravest are posted, to defend it well as enemies would most likely strike there first. It was a place closest to the enemy, allowing the advanced troops to strike hard and fast.

Tallgeese, on the other hand, was different than any other advanced outpost. A complete turnover rate of just three years literally meant that no one can survive there for more than three years.

Everyone there lived on a day to day basis. They ate, they fought, they hunted, just to survive the day and hope that the next would not come. Psychologically speaking, no one wanted to waste their time. They lived like every day was their last, holding nothing back.

As a posting that the Valsalrian Army top brass sent their criminal and war prisoners to, there were very few female life forms there. Even if there were any, they would most likely be the property of the strongest fighter there.