The Cherry On Top

After killing one, Jiang Fei had gained more confidence in dealing with the two other Ultralisks. As hard as it looked, Jiang Fei had gauged the strength of the beast and knew his way around them. 

The Drifter was the weakest amongst the three and while the Shocker and the Slasher were stronger, all three of them shared the same weakness. All of the lessons learnt from Theon were recalled and used to fight the three Ultralisks. 

With a little effort, the Shocker had fallen unconscious to Jiang Fei's psychic hammer attack. Before it could recover, Jiang Fei hurtling through space, slashing his way with the Psiblade fused with the Origin Force, Metal power. Like a seamstress' scissors through thin cloth, Jiang Fei's blade glided through the thick Ultralisk' skin smoothly. A few slashes like that and an opening was made. Albeit disgusting, Jiang Fei dove into the body of the eyeball and found a similar large crystal that was the heart of the Ultralisk.