The Man Who Survived Three Judgement Days

"Here," Sarila immediately showed the slate without Jiang Fei having to say or do anything.

"Oh, you're Jiang Fei from planet Dhiras! This way, please!" The bunny girl immediately confirmed his identity after seeing the slate.

Although many Judgement Day meeting invitation letters were sent out, only five invitations were issued in the form of a slate. These five slates were sent to the five other occupied planets other than planet Teardarth.

Only the rulers of these planets could receive slate invitations. They were not only high in status, but they were also terrifyingly powerful. Would the bunny girl who was in charge of welcoming guests dare to mistreat such a strong person like Jiang Fei? Never in her life.

The three of them followed the bunny girl and soon arrived at the place where the meeting would be held. It was a majestic mountain and its entire heart had been hollowed out. A magnificent palace stood within the mountain walls.