Preparing for Battle

"Sarila, call Kaa'lna and Bison over." Jiang Fei said, his voice loud enough to reach the other room. Sarila's room was right next to him as it was easier for her to take care of him this way.

"Okay!" Sarila responded, then went to the front hall to look for Kaa'lna and Bison. Very soon, the three of them came to Jiang Fei's room.

"Sir, were you looking for us?" Bison and Kaa'lna said after they bowed to Jiang Fei.

"Yeah, have a seat!" Jiang Fei waved and the Seed of Yondu's Sprout immediately made a few chairs.

After all three of them sat down, Jiang Fei said, "The Ultralisk Uprising has begun, and it will arrive in the Ausvia System approximately 40 hours later."

"What!?" The news shocked all three of them.

"Sir! Is this information accurate?" Kaa'lna asked immediately.

"Yes!" Jiang Fei said with certainty.

Sigh! "What's meant to come will eventually come. Please tell us what we should do now, sir!" Bison was ready to act.