Fortune Is Never For One To Flaunt

"The man is coming and we mustn't let him wait," Jiang Fei said. He turned to his fellow soldiers and bellowed with confidence and vigor.

"To me, my men! To the skies!" 

"Aye, aye!" 

Everyone roared, enthralled by Jiang Fei's confidence. Most of them were on the same page as him but since he was keeping the secret of the Hypercruiser to himself and only a handful of trusted few, the other foot soldiers, the lower ranking men, were harboring the notion that they would never come out of this war alive. 

Unbothered by the others, Jiang Fei took the lead and left the mountain, his palace, and utilizing a teleportation hub, his army arrived at one of the empty space platforms.

"Bison, later, you will take command of the army and attack the Ultralisks," Jiang Fei ordered.