Nothing Before, An Annoyance Now

"Change of plans. Retreat! Retreat! We! Are! Leaving!" Jiang Fei declared. He was unable to fully be in control of his body and if there was any sudden spike in fighting intent, he would morph into the Umbral form and eat his enemies alive. There was no use in hunting anymore if he could not even collect the corpse of the Ultralisk. 

"Retreat, sir?" 

"Where can we retreat to?" 

"There's nowhere to run!" 

"Sir! We ought to stay here and fight for our lives! Retreating now or later would only spell the same outcome!" 

Besides those that were extremely close to Jiang Fei, no one else knew about the Hypercruiser he had in close orbit. They had no idea that they could retreat at his beck and call! That explained the look of confusion when Jiang Fei had ordered a retreat.