Protagonist No More

The 'elf' finally caved after being tortured relentlessly by Jiang Fei, "I'll talk! I'll talk!"

What he'd said so far was a lie, but that was just a means to protect himself.

"Speak! This is your final chance. One more lie and I'll skin you alive. Know this, I'm not going to stop until I have the truth!" said Jiang Fei.

His voice was cold and his glare reflected only death and malice.

The elf groaned as he held his severed ear. "I'll talk…"

"Don't try any funny business," threatened Jiang Fei, making subtle yet taunting moves with the plasma blade.

"I'm telling the truth. We are from a world known as the Gamma Dimension, and we call ourselves the Saintsoul Users. The Gamma Dimension is just space, a world that is one dimension higher than yours," confessed the elf.