Deep, Deep Wallet

"Hmm? I see you guys are already talking to each other!" said Lucius as he came from behind. 

"Lucius. What are you doing here? I thought you were busy entertaining yourself with the others inside," Wagner replied, thinking that Lucius was coming to greet him. 

"I did but I could not forget about what my boss wants," Lucius turned to look at Jiang Fei as he spoke. 

"So it seems. Where is the seller? How is he selling the ship? I want to know the price!" Wagner asked disgruntledly. His tone with Lucius was completely different from when he was talking to Jiang Fei.

Although both Lucius and Wagner belonged to the same kind of social "trash", the gap between the two differed greatly in terms of wealth. Wagner's family's wealth was so much greater. His family pocket change was considered a fortune to Lucius'.