Obey or Die

As the girls had not brought much with them, it didn't take long for them to pack up their belongings. Additionally, the time spent in the training room was equivalent to only about one or two minutes at most in the outside world.

Jiang Fei flipped the beacon signal emitter to ease the tracking of his location. "This is Commander Jiang Fei of the Fifth Hybrid Fleet. Beacon is on. Request mass teleportation onboard."

"Identity confirmed. Please standby for teleportation," replied the operator behind the teleportation system.

Light particles surrounded Jiang Fei and the entire army of girls, and they were all teleported aboard the main command ship. With all members accounted for, they were ready to get away from this galaxy.

"Prepare warp jump."

"Course set for Fortuna Galaxy, Star System Krypton."