The Oldest Scam in the Book

"Oh shoot! It's held at the palace? Must be a huge event!" Jiang Fei exclaimed in exaggeration. It was an attempt to coax the two into talking more about the situation. 

"Of course! Have you ever seen the palace before? It's beautiful! Grand! Posh beyond anything in the universe!" the short one bragged as if the palace was his own home. 

"I'll come clean. This is my first time setting foot on the capital planet. I've flown across this system many times and never had the chance to land!" Technically, Jiang Fei was telling the truth. He had never visited this planet before. 

"Let me tell you, the emperor's palace is so grand that no other civilization could ever build anything like it!" the short one continued to brag. 

"I'm hyped! I think I will take this chance to visit the palace!" Jiang Fei said.