Chapter1493 Surprise

"I'm Rich! I'm Rich! Hurry up and count these energy cores. Damn it! I'm finally relieved!" The Dark Jiang Fei was extremely excited, all along, he had been most worried about Jiang Fei's strength, because the evil substance was running out. The Dark Jiang Fei had only a limited time, and soon he would fully merge with Jiang Fei, and Jiang Fei himself can not fully play their own power, so only through other ways to strengthen the strength of Jiang Fei.

But now, everything was fine. The rich tycoon, steel giant scorpion, was giving him a great gift. He had 18 energy cores. This kind of gift could only be given by supergiants like them.

"My Lord, the statistics have been completed. The eighteen cores of energy include three cores of life, four cores of power, three cores of space, two cores of time, and six cores of will," 0541 replied.