Chapter 1552 revenge

Although the Tsar Nicholas understood that he had been deceived by the “Players”, he could not care less about the responsibility of those people. After he had used the “Players”’potions.., originally, he only had about a month to live. However, with Sylvie’s acceleration, he would not be able to last through the night.

“Master Jiang Fei, I believe you now. But look at me now...”Nicholas was very afraid. This was the first time he felt that death was so close to him.

Although Nicholas’life was hanging by a thread when he fought against the tooth of death, was a fierce battle the same as waiting for death? (the author had said more than once that the two armies were exchanging blows. It was actually not scary to be suddenly killed in one move. The only thing that was scary was to tell you that you would be shot at Seven o’clock Tonight. The process of waiting for death was the most terrifying.)