Chapter 1563: Natural Born Swindlers

“You bunch of despicable slaves, how dare you defy Master’s orders. Now beat them to death!”The Herald roared angrily.

“Yes!”The Herald’s attendants answered. Then, they rushed up with whips and wooden sticks, wanting to beat Gilentte and the others to death in front of these slaves.

As the messenger was born into the ruling class, he was very disdainful of slaves. To him, slaves were no different from pigs and sheep. Their lives did not call for their lives. Killing a few slaves was nothing at all.

Now, these slaves actually dared to defy his orders. Therefore, they had to be killed as a warning to others.

“Whoosh!”The thick and heavy wooden stick was swinging in the wind. It went straight for Gilent’s head and smashed down. However, just as the wooden stick was about to hit Gilent’s head, the servant was suddenly frozen. Not only that.., a golden light flashed above Gilent’s head!