Chapter 1581

As he was in a hurry, the “Male player”walked past Jiang Fei and the others. However, he did not find any traces of Jiang Fei and Silvie.

“Phew!”Jiang Fei let out a long breath. Although the “Male player”did not find them, Jiang Fei was still shocked when he saw the guy running towards him.

“What should we do? These guys do not want to meet up with their accomplices!”Sylvie poked Jiang Fei and asked, they initially wanted to follow these “Players”and find their headquarters. Now, that Eamon actually let these guys take care of themselves.

“HMM...”Jiang Fei pondered for a moment and then said to Sylvie, “Follow me!”

After that, Jiang Fei and Isabella quietly left the “Player’s”residence and returned to their own villa.

“How is it?”Bella and the others surrounded Jiang Fei and asked. At this time, the girls had already packed their luggage and were ready to leave at any time.

“Let’s go back to that village!”Jiang Fei had already made up his mind!