Chapter 1585 player

“Alright, bring him in.”Jiang Fei did not want to continue the topic of the Skeleton Guild.

“Alright, Big Boss!”Big Nose immediately stopped pestering the skeleton guild. As someone who was good at flattering others, he was the best at Reading People’s expressions.

Soon, master Bayi followed Big Nose and came in front of Jiang Fei.

“Greetings, Master!”Master Bayi did not dare to raise his head when he entered. Therefore, he did not know that it was Jiang Fei who was sitting on the Golden Chair.

“Raise your head,”Jiang Fei said calmly.

“Yes!”Master Bayi raised his head and was instantly stunned.

“You... you... how? !”Master Bayi stared at Jiang Fei with his mouth agape, at that moment, he was very confused. He did not know how this desperado who wanted to cooperate with him to plunder the psionic crystal could be the leader of this place!