Chapter 1607 the Dirty Plan

As the capital of the planet, the Li Prefecture capital was very large. However, no matter how large the city was, it could not be compared to a modern city.

After entering the Li Prefecture capital, Jiang Fei and the rest found that although the people around them were still wearing coarse clothes, the style of their clothes was also much more regular. Moreover, the people’s faces did not look like vegetables, and they looked very energetic, they seemed to be living well. At the very least, they were well-fed and well-fed.

After passing through the slums and the downtown area near the city gate, what appeared in front of Jiang Fei and the rest were numerous large mansions and courtyards. As the capital of the entire planet, this was naturally the gathering place of the rich and the aristocrats, therefore, the clothes of Jiang Fei and the rest did not seem out of place here.