Chapter 1611 Gao Ya Xuan

After leaving the tavern, Jiang Fei led the two girls to the famous Gao Ya Xuan!

The most famous brothel in the Li Prefecture capital was located in a corner of the downtown area. Although most of the customers here were nobles from the wealthy areas, the nobles were all shameless people, they would not build such a romantic place in the wealthy district.

“How Grand!”When he arrived at the entrance of the elegant pavilion, Jiang Fei was amazed. The brothel was actually nine stories tall. Each story was decorated with colorful lights of different colors. Moreover, there were quite a number of girls leaning against the railings on each story, some of them were touching the windowsill and waving their handkerchiefs at the outside.

“Sir, come up and Play!”

“Yo! Master! It’s been a long time since you’ve been here!”

“Master Li! It’s been a long time since you’ve been here. Have you forgotten about me?”