Chapter 1686

“Of course!”Jiang Fei nodded. The jerky was nothing to him. He did not need to go back on his word for it.

“That’s Great!”Huo Qingcheng’s eyes lit up. After taking the jerky, she could not wait to swallow a piece of it.

“What an abundant amount of energy!”Huo Qingcheng exclaimed. Then, she immediately sat down cross-legged and began to circulate her Qi to digest the energy contained in the jerky!

“Hiss...”seeing Huo Qingcheng swallow the jerky, Sun Ming, who was standing beside her, swallowed his saliva. He could almost feel that there was a slight increase in Huo Qingcheng’s strength, although this feeling was very likely an illusion caused by psychological effects, it did not prevent him from having a greater desire for jerky.

Huo Qingcheng was sitting cross-legged and circulating her inner energy. Jiang Fei and Sun Ming were chatting casually. After about an hour, Jiang Fei suddenly felt a spatial distortion!