Chapter 1744, the genius disciple

Jiang Fei’s mind quickly analyzed the cultivation technique that GE Chunhong had passed on to him. Sections of difficult to understand words quickly turned into a vivid energy flow diagram in Jiang Fei’s mind, after that, Jiang Fei began to simulate it in his meditation.

“This kid is really hardworking!”When Ge Chunhong saw Jiang Fei immediately sitting on the ground and meditating, he was very satisfied. After all, every teacher loved a student who worked hard. However, he did not completely fail to realize.., just how heaven-defying was this new disciple of his.

“0541, turn the knowledge that I have analyzed into a memory wave!”Jiang Fei analyzed GE Chunhong’s martial arts while he did not forget to seek benefits for the girls around him. After all, when it came to martial arts, the girls around him were also lacking, even if the great elder had arranged for the girls to be taught, those teachers would not be able to provide a martial arts technique as high-end as GE Chunhong’s.