Chapter 1752, second master

“Since that’s the case, let’s end this matter here!”The Valiant Martial Hall master nodded and left. Only Jiang Fei and the others were left.

“Kid, you’re really something. You’ve cleared up such a huge mess on your first day here!”GE Chunhong looked at Jiang Fei and said with a smile that was not a smile.

“Hehe, master, you see, this is not my fault. I’m the one who was bullied!”Jiang Fei said with a smile.

“Bullied you? Why didn’t I see you lying on the ground?”GE Chunhong rolled his eyes at Jiang Fei.

“If I were to lie on the ground, wouldn’t I be embarrassing you, Master?”Jiang Fei replied with a cheeky smile.

“Hehe, you’re quite a smooth talker, kid. However, what you said is true. If you were to be defeated by a disciple below the level of a true immortal in the Valiant Martial Hall, I would really lose face!”GE Chunhong nodded.