Chapter 1914 -- the successor of the dragon was not called for nothing

“He... you should have heard of him... His name is Ying Long...”when the little princess said this, she seemed to have recalled something from ancient times.

“Ying Long?”Jiang Fei was a little dumbfounded. As a Chinese, he knew this rain god from ancient mythology.

“That’s right! It’s him!”The little princess nodded, then, she continued, “Raindragon was once a young genius among the green-eyed white dragons. However, because he was unwilling to be lonely, he followed a group of people out of the barrier and never returned...”

“This...”Jiang Fei’s brain was a little short. He quickly recalled the legends about Raindragon in his mind.

According to the legends, in the ancient times, the Yellow Emperor and Chiyou fought a decisive battle. Raindragon came down from the heaven to help the Yellow Emperor Kill Chiyou. Then, due to the excessive consumption of power, it was unable to fly back to the heaven.