Chapter 2022: seizing the interstellar base

“No Problem! Let’s see what we can do!”Several elders from the five directions nodded. They also wanted to take this opportunity to show off the power of the cultivators.

Previously, during the experiment of attacking the Carras Enforcers, the cultivators had been intimidated by Bella. Now, they were all holding back their energy, they wanted to prove that their hard work could not be compared to these so-called technological weapons!

“You guys continue to attack these battleships! Tianke, Tiancong, you two follow me!”The Wang family elder ordered the disciples beside him.

“Yes!”The two outstanding disciples nodded and teleported into the galactic base behind the Wang Family Elder.

“Xiao Wenlong, Xiao Wenhu, follow me!”The Xiao Clan’s elder didn’t show any signs of weakness.

“Fourth elder, I’ll go with you!”Xiao Yuhan said.