Chapter 2048: Martha Class Dreadnought

After Jiang Fei had arranged for the engineers to develop a new battleship, he began to send people to inform Bella and Aurelia to withdraw their troops. After all, he had already completed his task, there was no need to let Bella and Aurelia lead the fleet to risk their lives at the front line.

That afternoon, the two scout ships departed from Skoda Star. They would convey Jiang Fei’s order to Bella and Aurelia to withdraw.

However, as Skoda star was too far away from the front line, it would take at least a month for Bella and Aurelia to receive Jiang Fei’s message.

In the following days, Jiang Fei spent most of his time in seclusion. Although there were many girls on Skoda star who stayed behind to guard the place, it was difficult for them to see Jiang Fei. This trip to the beginner’s village.., it had dealt a huge blow to Jiang Fei. The wormhole trip had completely cut off any possibility of taking shortcuts.