Chapter 2056 collecting energy cores

Jiang Fei did not care how Zhu Peter and the rest looted the treasures here. Therefore, after obtaining the energy cores, he prepared to fly the shuttle back to Pisernes.

“My Lord, aren’t you going to pick two more?”Zhu Peter said with a smile.

“No, you can take care of these things yourself!”Jiang Fei said.

“Thank you for the reward, my Lord!”Zhu Peter immediately said happily.

“Oh right, you can help me ask about the other guys. It would be best if you can buy the energy core from them. If they are not willing to part with it, I can only go and get it myself,”Jiang Fei said to Zhu Peter.

“Don’t worry, my Lord. I still have some relations with them. Leave this matter to me,”Zhu Peter said as he patted his chest.

“Alright! After you’re done here, go and help me do it. I Won’t be staying in pisennis for too long, so you have to do it as soon as possible,”said Jiang Fei.

“Don’t worry, sir. I’ll go back with you later. Once we reach pisennis, I’ll do it immediately!”Said Jupiter.