Chapter 2079 gathered the three forces

“Yes, I’m back,”Jiang Fei said with a smile.

“Master, where are you? I’m coming to pick you up right now,”Lu Bingyuan asked.

“I just arrived at the town star. I’m at the teleportation formation now,”Jiang Fei said.

“Master, Please Wait a moment. I’m not far from you. I’ll be there soon,”Lu Bingyuan said.

“Alright!”Jiang Fei replied and then cut off the communication.

After about half an hour, Lu Bingyuan arrived in front of Jiang Fei on his sword.

“Greetings, sir!”Lu Bingyuan came before Jiang Fei and bowed.

“Hehe, no need to be so polite. How have you been all these years?”Jiang Fei laughed.

“Hehe, thanks to you, sir. I have been living much better than before,”Lu Bingyuan laughed. He was not complimenting Jiang Fei, but the truth.