Chapter 2121 was a blessing, not a curse. If it was a curse, it could not be avoided

After giving instructions to the Dragons, Jiang Fei returned to the town star. This time, he came to the Five Corners of heaven and earth while he was on his way back. He only had about a month’s time. Therefore, he had to make the most of it.

After returning to the town star, Jiang Fei went straight to the Wang family. After half a day, Jiang Fei arrived outside the Wang family’s mansion.

“Sir, may I know who you are looking for?”The Wang family’s doorman did not know Jiang Fei.

“Please inform your family leader that Jiang Fei is here to visit,”Jiang Fei said very politely. With his status, there was no need for him to yell at these insignificant people.

“Please wait a moment.”Anyone who could be a servant in the Wang family must have some brains. Seeing Jiang Fei’s demeanor, the waiter knew that someone extraordinary had come. Therefore, he quickly turned around and went back to report.