Chapter 2136: The Beasts that refused to listen

The sudden appearance of the Cosmic Beasts had obviously disrupted the original plan of the “Player fleet”. After all, they had a purpose for coming out this time. Now that a large group of cosmic beasts had suddenly appeared and blocked their way.., this was indeed an accident.

“Brother Snow, what should we do?”One of his underlings asked. The brother Snow that he mentioned was the new “Player leader”of the Resistance Camp.

Previously, the “Player”of the Resistance Camp had another leader. That person’s financial strength was slightly inferior to Eamon’s, so he was usually suppressed by Eamon during battles. However, now.., a “Player”had suddenly appeared in the resistance camp. Not only was he rich and powerful, but he also had a strong background. The moment he appeared, he had purchased the guild of the previous “Player”leader. Moreover, through some unknown means.., he had actually purchased a titan-class warship that originally required an epic quest to unlock.