Chapter 2147, ready-made engine

After that, Jiang Fei chatted with the girls for a while. Then, he shared the items that he had obtained from brother Snow with the girls. These were all good things. Although they were not as valuable as Natasha’s treasures, they were still very valuable, they would definitely be able to provide a lot of help to the girls in battle.

After everything was arranged, Jiang Fei brought the neutron star core to the airport the next day. By then, the engineers who specialized in engines had already gathered.

“Come on, get on my yacht first,”Jiang Fei called out to the engineers and boarded his yacht.

Jiang Fei did not plan to carry out the research on the gravity engine on Skoda star because it was too dangerous. If anything happened to it, the entire Skoda star would be doomed, other than Jiang Fei and Phoenix Spirit, who were two super powerhouses, the chances of the others surviving were very slim.