Chapter 2150 Life Extension Center

Time passed quickly. In the blink of an eye, a month had passed. The entire Skoda star was now fully operational. Various modules needed for the construction of the Titan were being produced one after another, furthermore, under the deployment of Aurelia, they were transported to the battleship factory in space.

The engineers far away on the nameless planet were also working overtime at the moment. They were building an unprecedented energy pressure device. As long as this thing was completed.., then, the Titan’s power system would not be a problem anymore.

While the entire Skoda planet was in full swing, Jiang Fei had already been in the time house for almost three years.

With the 30 times time flow deficit, Jiang Fei had more time to comprehend the flash of inspiration in his mind. However, the vague idea seemed to be playing hide-and-seek with Jiang Fei. The more he wanted to understand.., the more vague the idea became.

“What exactly is it?”Jiang Fei frowned as he meditated.